Friday, February 20, 2015

First world problem: what course should I take?

Over-thinking leads me to this blog again. Today, I feel like my brain is going to explode of the thoughts about improving my language skills. Pertama, Bahasa Inggris. Beberapa bulan terakhir gue sering bengong mikirin kalo kemampuan yang mutlak harus gue miliki ini kian menumpul karena jarang dipraktikkan. Yeah, I listen to English songs every single moments, I always watch English movies (often times without subtitles), I do monologues a lot in English, I read too many English novels sometimes without checking dictionary (just guessing words I don't know by forcing myself to keep reading through), UGH I EVEN HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO WRITE THIS POST IN ENGLISH but I still think my English is very limited. I can't express most of my thoughts perfectly with English! Gaaah. Moreover, career life is more than just how to express myself, especially when you're supposed to be communicative --as someone who's majoring in communication studies. I need to learn professional English! Therefore, I need to be back to class again!

So, I tried to browse the net to find the most suitable English course close to my area, Jatinangor. The candidates are: EF, TBI, and ILP. I considered three of them as the best for me. EF and TBI were on my list because they have native teachers. It's important for me to talk directly to those bule so I won't easily feel awkward anymore if I have to do sort of presentation in front of them someday...someday in my career life..... Then, ILP. It's also one of very few English-British Course in Indonesia (just like TBI, but more affordable) even though they don't facilitate native teachers. You know what, I'm kinda sick to realize that I sound more like American......BLAME THOSE HOLLYWOOD MOVIES, BLAME THOSE US LIT. Hahahahaha :P I want to learn the real English: the British one. I probably can't duplicate their accent but at least the grammar.

But then, I had to eliminate TBI. It's too pricey.

Now, there are just two options: EF (I don't know their language preference... American or Brit. But they have bule(s) indeed) or ILP (without bule but more British). ILP is still more affordable than EF, too. Well.... Which one?

Oke, sekian bahasa Inggrisnya. Sekarang, gue kembali menggunakan bahasa Indonesia tercinta untuk menjelaskan kebingungan lainnya.

Kedua, bahasa asing lainnya: Prancis dan Jerman.

Udah setahun gue nganggurin Prancis. Yep, udah setahun gue nggak IFI, udah setahun gue nungguin kelas A2.2 Sabtu yang nggak buka-buka karena nggak ada murid, udah setahun juga gue mager buka buku pelajaran Bahasa Prancis/kamus/dsb. Intinya, hilang semua kemampuan gue nyepik-nyepik Prancis :))) Belajar bahasa secara otodidak memang bukan kekuatan gue. Harus ada yang bisa memaksa gue, seperti sekolah atau kursus yang rutin. Kalau enggak yaaa enggak bakalan deh gue praktik sendiri. Sedih juga sih padahal ketika gue berhenti les tahun lalu, gue sudah mulai mencintai Bahasa Prancis yang kompleksnya minta ampun itu..... Gue butuh IFI lagi! Mungkin gue bisa ikut DELF A2, lulus, dan bisa daftar kelas yang B1 langsung.

Lalu, ada apa dengan Bahasa Jerman? Gue kan nggak pernah belajar rutin Jerman? Trus apa kaitannya dengan post ini?

GODDAMN! I'VE LOVED GERMANY AND ITS ENTIRE THINGS SINCE 2006! Sejak tahun 2006 juga gue mengidamkan belajar Bahasa Jerman! Sejak lamaaaa gue ingin memahami bahasa tersebut agar gue nggak kebingungan lagi baca berita-berita Werder Bremen di media lokal Jerman! Hwakakaka. Intinya, gue lebih dulu ingin mempelajari Bahasa Jerman daripada Prancis, tetapi karena IFI Bandung lebih murah dari Goethe-Institut Bandung, jadinya gue banting setir dan justru les Prancis. Tidak menyesali keputusan itu, tetapi perasaan rindu yang amat besar untuk belajar Jerman kembali membuat gue mabuk kepayang.......... Gue harus Goethe SEKARANG atau tidak akan pernah lagi!

Hiks :'(

Trus sekarang aku harus les apa? :'(

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