Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Completely an A+

These don't belong to me and i don't know where i got this. For anyone else who own these comics, please kindly inform me if you don't want me to post them on my blog ;)

Kartun golongan darah ini udah engga baru lagi sebenarnya. Udah dari dulu nyebar di internet. Memang, peneliti-peneliti Jepang ama Korea katanya berasumsi kalo goldar itu berkaitan erat dengan karakter manusia. Golongan darah A itu KATANYA teratur, sopan, bertanggungjawab. Karakter golongan darah B konon cuek, engga terikat sama apapun, berani jadi diri sendiri. Karakter O itu optimis, easy-going, pokoknya tipe-tipe yang ga bisa diem. Sedangkan AB cenderung misterius dan logis. Katanya loh yaaa~ Kalau penasaran selengkapnya, dan ga ada kerjaan, googling aja "karakteristik berdasarkan golongan darah" atau sebagainya. Pasti bakal nemu banyak komik-komik lucu golongan darah macem gambar di atas :)))
Well, me, myself, is an A+. Seperti kebanyakan orang Asia (dan gue juga ngga ngerti kenapa orang Asia dan yang lainnya bisa beda), yep, Rhesus gue +. Golongan darah gue A. Gue selalu dengan pedenya berkata kalo gue itu selalu (memiliki grade) A+.

That's why, motto hidup gue my blood type will determine my grades :P

Berdasarkan analisis-analisis yang banyak tersebar di dunia maya nih, golongan darah itu terkenal "responsible, well-organized, serious, nervous, perfectionist, and also pessimist". And somehow, i completely agree about this. Gue merasa karakter-karakter itu emang sangat gue.

1. Gue merasa punya banyaaaaak banget aturan hidup. Untuk melakukan pekerjaan A, biasanya seminggu sebelumnya gue udah mempersiapkan aturan ini, itu, anu; juga strategi a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h....dst. Dan untuk masing-masing strategi ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilakukan mulai dari 1,2,3,4,5,6........sampe mampus. Gue harus melaksanakan strategi itu melalui tahapan yang runut, kalo engga, dijamin engga bakal kelar tu kerjaan. That's why, gue benci banget kerjaan mendadak, karena mengacaukan segala strategi yang udah gue buat dari jauh-jauh hari. Lepas dari fakta betapa procrastinatornya gue, gue udah punya perhitungan sendiri: gue boleh buang-buang waktu gue maksimal berapa hari biar kerjaan gue kelar tepat waktu.  Oh, the other A, do you feel like me too?

2. Uh, banyak yang ngeluh kalo gue orangnya engga peka. Engga sensitif. Engga ngerti perasaan mereka. Tapi buat mereka yang emang udah lama kenal gue dan udah pernah gue tunjukin seberapa besarnya kepedulian gue sama mereka, you have to be grateful, karena bakal keliatan kalo GUE CARE SAMA LO JAUH LEBIH DARI LO CARE SAMA DIRI LO SENDIRI, ATAU GUE CARE SAMA DIRI GUE SENDIRI #capslockjebol #enggacurhatkok. :3 Seorang A itu kelewat overthinking. Sekali gue udah pernah bawa lo di dalam pikiran gue, masalah hidup lo yang paling sepele pun bisa kebawa-bawa dalam tidur gue dan ga kaget kalo gue terbangun di pagi harinya dengan segudang rencana untuk menyelesaikan masalah lo itu. I'm a super caring person, actually. If you don't think that way, you just never know me closer, not yet. And yes, i'm an over-thinker. You think i never mind about a thing, the truth is i never let you realize that i think so much about it.

3. Gambar ini kayaknya menjawab pertanyaan kenapa gue awkward banget sama lingkungan baru.
Mungkin biasa buat semua orang buat merasa awkward dengan temen baru, sekolah baru, kampus baru, etc... Tapi seorang A (dalam hal ini GUE) bisa butuh waktu berbulan-bulan untuk bisa menunjukkan karakter gue sesungguhnya di hadapan lingkungan baru. Semakin lingkungan memaksa gue untuk beradaptasi, semakin sulit gue merasa nyaman dengan lingkungan itu. Hell yeah, complicated A.

Di kampus gue belajar tentang Teori Pengurangan Ketidakpastian. Apapun asumsi teori itu, gue butuh waktu yang cenderung jauh lebih lama dibandingkan orang lain untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian gue akan sesuatu hal baru. Jadi, jangan menilai gue sombong atau pendiem atau bahkan ALIM kalo lo baru kenal gue sebulan :)

Anak A, ada yang sama kayak gini?

4. Kebanyakan pertimbangan. Makanya kerjanya lambat. Kalo ngerjain tugas, biasanya gue udah memulai dari seminggu sebelum deadline, tapi ujung-ujungnya kelar barengan sama yang ngerjain semalam sebelum deadline: gara-gara kebanyakan mikir!....dan perfectionist.

5. "They get easily hurt inside, compared to the other blood type". Gue ngga pernah ngerasain bergolongan darah B, AB, atau O. Tapi A emang sebisa mungkin emotionless. Emosi yang ditunjukkan seringkali beda sama yang ada di dalam hati. Bisa aja gue ngamuk-ngamuk, tapi sebenernya gue engga marah. Gue cuma kelewat sedih sampe gue ngga bisa nangis, atau apalah. Pokoknya......sulit.

6. Tipe A itu individualis. Bukan berarti mereka ngga bisa kerja dalam tim, tapi mereka akan jauh lebih puas untuk bekerja sendirian, dan hasil maksimal juga akan didapatkan oleh tipe A bukan dalam tim. Kerja dalam tim bagus, netral, bertanggungjawab, tapi......kerja sendirian dan ngga bergantung pada orang lain selalu jadi pilihan yang lebih baik buat A. Agreed? ;)

7. Ah ini.... Masa sih? Kadang-kadang emang, tapi......


Baca ini juga:

Type AType As may seem calm on the outside, but inside, you’re filled with anxiety and worry. You’re perfectionists and often shy and sensitive. Usually introverted, you’re stable and thoughtful. You make good listeners and are sensitive to color and your surroundings. You like to be fashionable and are up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. You like romantic settings and often shun reality for fantasy worlds. A is most compatible with A and AB in the love department. Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist. 

(Ugh, like to be fashionable srsly?)

Type A• Presence of mind, serious, patient, calm & cool;• Coherent character, can be relied on & trusted, but stubborn;• Plan everything out beforehand, and carry out tasks with seriousness and consistency; • Try to be fair and find the ideal outcome to any situation;• Tend to keep themselves separate from others, especially those who don't share their opinions;• Tend to try and keep their emotions and thoughts hidden from others, and share them only when comfortable.

Baca karakter-karakter di web barusan bikin gue merasa agak anomali B; soalnya ada bagian "tend to be loner" nya.

Your personality blood type is A
You’re a hardworking perfectionist who likes to plan ahead, foresee any possible problems, and spot details other people may not notice. Your driven nature and somewhat hyperactive work ethic have earned the respect of your bosses and colleagues, and it doesn’t come as a surprise that you’re given key responsibilities at work. However, you do tend to overanalyze things sometimes, so try to see things as what they really are instead of the thousand other possibilities you're able to come up with.
While you can be something of a workaholic, you’re not one to easily blow your top over stress. Your friends describe you as patient, especially when dealing with people. Since you are a homebody, an ideal weekend for you would be lounging on the couch with no particular plans for the day.
sumber: (setelah ikutan kuisnya)

TYPE A is the good student. They try not to upset order; they dislike disruption and confrontation, and as a result try to stick to rules as much as possible and do things perfectly. They are reliable and have great tolerance and endurance. With a tendency to overanalyze, they are worrywarts and fret about things that might go wrong if things aren’t done properly. Because they don’t want to upset anyone, they take many people’s opinions into consideration so they are mostly regarded as the most kind and nice. However, this trait means they wind up being quite slow at making decisions. When coming upon an unknown bridge, they would take time to make sure anything and everything is 100% safe before crossing. Although usually introverts, there is the occasional extrovert with great leadership qualities who has managed to externalize the “serve others” attitude. Paying much attention to other peoples’ emotions means they are quite acute to their own feelings, which get easily hurt. Despite being very understanding, when greatly hurt they don’t forgive nor do they forget.

Kecuali kalimat terakhir, gue pribadi biasanya bukan memaafkan tapi melupakan........ Emang pikun sih :P

Jadi, benarkah?

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